Page 27 - 10 Progress of Reform in Germany
P. 27

some  souls  would  be  convicted  of  the  truth

               and, receiving the word with gladness, would

               in their turn tell the good news to others.

               The words of Inspiration were verified: “The

               entrance of Thy words giveth light; it giveth

               understanding  unto  the  simple.”  Psalm

               119:130.  The  study  of  the  Scriptures  was

               working  a  mighty  change  in  the  minds  and

               hearts  of  the  people.  The  papal  rule  had

               placed upon its subjects an iron yoke which

               held  them  in  ignorance  and  degradation.  A

               superstitious  observance  of  forms  had  been

               scrupulously  maintained;  but  in  all  their

               service the heart and intellect had had little

               part.  The  preaching  of  Luther,  setting  forth

               the plain truths of God's word, and then the

               word  itself,  placed  in  the  hands  of  the

               common  people, had aroused  their  dormant

               powers, not only purifying and ennobling the
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