Page 3 - 09 The Seventy Weeks
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                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                           Chapter 9 – The Seventy Weeks
                   was cumbered with cares and burdens, he

               did not let this deprive him of the privilege of

               studying into things of higher moment, even

               the  purposes  of  God  as  revealed  to  his

               prophets. He understood by books, that is, the

               writings  of  Jeremiah,  that  God  would

               accomplish  seventy  years  in  the  captivity  of

               his  people.  This  prediction  is  found  in

               Jeremiah  25:12;  29:10.  The  knowledge  of  it,

               and the use that was made of it, shows that

               Jeremiah  was  early  regarded  as  a  divinely

               inspired  prophet;  otherwise  his  writings

               would not have been so soon collected, and so

               extensively copied. Though Daniel was for a

               time contemporary with him, he had a copy of

               his  works  which  he  carried  with  him  in  his

               captivity;  and  though  he  was  so  great  a

               prophet  himself,  he  was  not  above  studying

               carefully what God might reveal to others of
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