Page 20 - 07 Luther's Separation from Rome
P. 20
worship—the cornerstone laid with the
wages of iniquity! But the very means
adopted for Rome's aggrandizement
provoked the deadliest blow to her power
and greatness. It was this that aroused the
most determined and successful of the
enemies of popery, and led to the battle
which shook the papal throne and jostled the
triple crown upon the pontiff's head.
The official appointed to conduct the sale of
indulgences in Germany—Tetzel by name—
had been convicted of the basest offenses
against society and against the law of God;
but having escaped the punishment due for
his crimes, he was employed to further the
mercenary and unscrupulous projects of the
pope. With great effrontery he repeated the
most glaring falsehoods and related
marvelous tales to deceive an ignorant,