Page 3 - 07 Luther's Separation from Rome
P. 3

that  was  rising  so  slowly  through  the

               centuries.  Hardship,  privation,  and  severe

               discipline  were  the  school  in  which  Infinite

               Wisdom  prepared  Luther  for  the  important

               mission of his life.

               Luther's  father  was  a  man  of  strong  and

               active  mind  and  great  force  of  character,

               honest, resolute, and straightforward. He was

               true  to  his  convictions  of  duty,  let  the

               consequences  be  what  they  might.  His

               sterling  good  sense  led  him  to  regard  the

               monastic system with distrust. He was highly

               displeased when Luther, without his consent,

               entered  a  monastery;  and  it  was  two  years

               before  the  father  was  reconciled  to  his  son,

               and  even  then  his  opinions  remained  the


               Luther's  parents  bestowed  great  care  upon

               the  education  and training of  their  children.
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