Page 46 - 19 Be Ye Separate
P. 46
Stephen N. Haskell
“Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
hand” Revelation 22:10.
20. What takes place when Satan manifests
his greatest power? What will be heard
from heaven? What will the angels of
God do? Who escaped the destruction
that came upon Babylon anciently? Why
did they not all leave the city of Babylon?
21. What was the occasion of Lot’s wife
looking back? What crisis will be brought
upon families in the loud cry? What
scripture is applicable to this time?
22. When do the beast and his image grow
more intolerable? Where will the
believers seek shelter? How long a
period will be covered in the falling of
the plagues? What scripture describes
those who reject the message?