Page 10 - 06 Huss and Jerome
P. 10

forgotten.  The  pictures  made  a  deep

               impression on the mind of Huss and led him

               to a closer study of the Bible and of Wycliffe's

               writings. Though he was not prepared, even

               yet,  to  accept  all  the  reforms  advocated  by

               Wycliffe,  he  saw  more  clearly  the  true

               character of the papacy, and with greater zeal

               denounced  the  pride,  the  ambition,  and  the

               corruption of the hierarchy.

               From  Bohemia  the  light  extended  to

               Germany,  for  disturbances  in  the  University

               of Prague caused the withdrawal of hundreds

               of  German  students.  Many  of  them  had

               received  from  Huss  their  first  knowledge  of

               the Bible, and on their return they spread the

               gospel in their fatherland.

               Tidings of the work at Prague were carried to

               Rome,  and  Huss  was  soon  summoned  to

               appear before the pope. To obey would be to
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