Page 42 - 06 Huss and Jerome
P. 42
unworthy of his Master. To him that day was
fulfilled the promise of God to the first
disciples: “Ye shall be brought before
governors and kings for My sake.... But when
they deliver you up, take no thought how or
what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you
in that same hour what ye shall speak. For it
is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your
Father which speaketh in you.” Matthew
The words of Jerome excited astonishment
and admiration, even in his enemies. For a
whole year he had been immured in a
dungeon, unable to read or even to see, in
great physical suffering and mental anxiety.
Yet his arguments were presented with as
much clearness and power as if he had had
undisturbed opportunity for study. He
pointed his hearers to the long line of holy