Page 9 - 19 Light Through Darkness
P. 9
Christ had come at the exact time and in the
manner foretold by prophecy. The testimony
of Scripture had been fulfilled in every detail
of His ministry. He had preached the message
of salvation, and “His word was with power.”
The hearts of His hearers had witnessed that
it was of Heaven. The word and the Spirit of
God attested the divine commission of His
The disciples still clung with undying
affection to their beloved Master. And yet
their minds were shrouded in uncertainty
and doubt. In their anguish they did not then
recall the words of Christ pointing forward to
His suffering and death. If Jesus of Nazareth
had been the true Messiah, would they have
been thus plunged in grief and
disappointment? This was the question that
tortured their souls while the Saviour lay in