Page 20 - 18 An American Reformer
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us and to our children forever;” and the Lord
declares by the prophet Amos, that He “will
do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto
His servants the prophets.” Deuteronomy
29:29; Amos 3:7. The students of God's word
may, then, confidently expect to find the most
stupendous event to take place in human
history clearly pointed out in the Scriptures
of truth.
“As I was fully convinced,” says Miller, “that
all Scripture given by inspiration of God is
profitable (2 Timothy 3:16); that it came not
at any time by the will of man, but was
written as holy men were moved by the Holy
Ghost (2 Peter 1:21), and was written ‘for our
learning, that we through patience and
comfort of the Scriptures might have hope’
(Romans 15:4), I could but regard the
chronological portions of the Bible as being