Page 33 - 18 An American Reformer
P. 33

the conclusion at which he had now arrived.

               He himself could hardly credit the results of

               his investigation. But the Scripture evidence

               was too clear and forcible to be set aside.

               He had devoted two years to the study of the

               Bible, when, in 1818, he reached the solemn

               conviction  that  in  about  twenty-five  years

               Christ  would  appear  for  the  redemption  of

               His people. “I need not speak,” says Miller, “of

               the  joy  that  filled  my  heart  in  view  of  the

               delightful  prospect,  nor  of  the  ardent

               longings of my soul for a participation in the

               joys of the redeemed. The Bible was now to

               me  a  new  book.  It  was  indeed  a  feast  of

               reason; all that was dark, mystical, or obscure

               to  me  in  its  teachings,  had  been  dissipated

               from my mind before the clear light that now

               dawned from its sacred pages; and, oh, how

               bright  and  glorious  the  truth  appeared!  All
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