Page 41 - 8 The Passover Visit
P. 41

9.  “The  Lord  directed  the  Hebrews  to

                          gather  their  families  within  their  own

                          dwellings.    Having  sprinkled  the

                          doorposts  with  the  blood  of  the  slain

                          lamb, they were to eat the lamb, roasted,

                          with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.”

                   10. Fill in the blanks:

                          eat, loins, girded, shoes, feet, staff, hand,

                          eat, haste, Passover.

                   11. The Passover was observed on a yearly


                   12. The Feast of Unleavened Bread followed

                          the  Passover  and  was  celebrated  for

                          seven days.

                   13. On the second day of the feast, the first

                          fruits  of  the  year’s  harvest,  a  sheaf  of

                          barley was presented to the Lord.
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