Page 63 - 43 Appendix
P. 63

Allocution  ‘Nunquam  Fore,’  December  15,

               1856.”—As  printed  in  Anne  Fremantle,  ed.,

               The  Papal  Encyclicals  in  their  Historical

               Context  (New  York:  G.  P.  Putnam's  Sons,

               1956), 146, 152.

               It  should  also  be  noted  that  the  oath  of

               allegiance  to  the  pope,  quoted  in  the  last

               paragraph  of  the  citation  from  Strong,  was

               the bishop's oath, not one taken by cardinals.

               Page  565.  Withholding  the  Bible  from  the

               people.—see note for page 340.

               Page  578.  The  Ethiopian  Church  and  the

               Sabbath.—Until  rather  recent  years  the

               Coptic  Church  of  Ethiopia  observed  the

               seventh-day  Sabbath.  The  Ethiopians  also

               kept  Sunday,  the  first  day  of  the  week,

               throughout  their  history  as  a  Christian

               people.  These  days  were  marked  by  special

               services  in  the  churches.  The  observance  of
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