Page 11 - 15 The Three Angels' Messages
P. 11


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               those  whose  mouths  are  full  of  guile,  these

               have been free from guile. They overcame by

               the blood of the Lamb. What wonder that they

               can sing a song in which no other beings can

               unite! They are given a place next to Christ;

               they  alone  of  the  redeemed  can  enter  the

               temple.  The  new  name  which  each  one

               receives is there graven on a living tablet of

               stone, and they become pillars in that temple

               of life; living stones of a spiritual house. In that

               heavenly  service  they  are  called  pillars,  as

               James and Cephas by their faithfulness were

               termed pillars in the earthly church; and when

               the  Lamb  goes  from  place  to  place,  this

               company  follow  Him  as  a  trophy  of  grace.

               They are one with Him, as He is one with the

               Father;  and  being  one,  their  souls  are
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