Page 2 - 15 The Three Angels' Messages
P. 2


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

                        CHAPTER XV. – THE THREE ANGELS’


               After  the  strife  and  the  turmoil  of  the  great

               controversy,  in  which  the  oppression  of  the

               seven  headed  beast  was  followed  by  the

               lamblike government,-the government which

               formed an image to the beast, and caused all

               men to worship the beast, or the image, John

               had his attention called to scenes where the

               conflict was all ended. The One whom Lucifer

               had held before the eyes of the world as a cruel

               despot, stands a Lamb on Mount Zion. He is no

               longer  the  slain  Lamb  once  seen  before  the

               throne,  but  the  King  in  His  beauty,  the  true

               Conqueror, who has triumphed by the power

               of truth. He, who might have uttered a single

               word, and the enemy of truth would have been
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