Page 62 - 15 The Three Angels' Messages
P. 62


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

                        of  the  third  angel?  In  what  can  each

                        individual honor the Creator? How much

                        light will each receive?

                27. What  will  those  who  reject  the  warning

                        receive? What does the Lord say of those

                        who  will  heed  the  warning?  Who  will

                        drain to the dregs the cup of God’s wrath?

                        What  has  Satan  claimed?  In  what

                        condition are those from whom the Sun of

                        Righteousness  withdraws  His  shining?

                        What is this time called? How is man left

                        to contend with disease and death?

                28. What  are  the  plagues  in  the  sixteenth

                        chapter of Revelation? Can man who lives

                        in the light of the sun realize what it would

                        be to have it blotted out? How does this
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