Page 7 - 05 A Glimpse of Heaven
P. 7
Stephen N. Haskell
“Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
hand” Revelation 22:10.
was so arranged that the plan of salvation
could be read by them in everything. The
arrangement of the angels in their work about
the throne, is a picture of the redeeming love
of God. Angelic beings know nothing different.
Thus all heaven waits for the redemption of
man. Even the stones which compose the
foundation walls, have voices which speak of
the atonement. The colors reflected from
every object in the heavenly court speak
louder of the power and infinite mercy of God
than mortal tongue can speak. Human
language cannot tell the story. It is beyond
description. Throughout eternity, as one thing
after another reveals the love of the Father,
the redeemed, like the living creatures now
about the throne, will sing, “Holy, holy, holy.”