Page 61 - 01 The Opening Vision
P. 61


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                          Chapter 1 – The Opening Vision
                   said he to his disciples, “even unto the end of

               the world.” (See remarks on verse 4.)

               Note. — An additional thought may be added

               to what is said about the claim that the first

               day of the week is meant by the term “Lord’s

               day” in verse 10. If, when Christ said, “The Son

               of  man  is  Lord  even  of  the  Sabbath  day”

               (Matthew 12:8), he had said instead, “The Son

               of man is Lord of the first day of the week,”

               would not that now be set forth as conclusive

               proof  that  Sunday  is  the  Lord’s  day?  —

               Certainly, and with good reason. Then it ought

               to be allowed to have the same weight for the

               seventh  day,  in  reference  to  which  it  was

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