Page 3 - 03c The Seven Churhces-Pergamos
P. 3


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               popular,  and  swayed  the  civil  government,

               that  the  two-edged  sword  of  the  Word  was

               necessary  to  separate between  the  true  and

               the  false.  Naturally  the  number  of  converts

               increased  rapidly,  and  church  buildings

               multiplied. Officers in the church, under favor

               of the government, spread themselves like the

               green bay tree. The doctrine of Him who said,

               “He that is greatest among you shall be your

               servant,”  was  reversed,  and  the  papal

               hierarchy  grew  apace.  This  was  peculiarly

               true  of  the  Roman  See.  Other  dioceses

               attempted                        the               same                  exaltation.

               Constantinople,  Jerusalem,  Ephesus  and

               Alexandria,-all contended for supremacy, but

               Rome, the seat of the dragon, was finally the

               acknowledged  head  of  the  Christian  church.
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