Page 21 - 20 A Great Religious Awakening
P. 21

coming  was  also  given  in  Great  Britain.

               Advent  publications  from  the  United  States

               were  widely  circulated.  Books  and  journals

               were  republished  in  England.  And  in  1842

               Robert Winter, an Englishman by birth, who

               had  received  the  advent  faith  in  America,

               returned to his native country to herald the

               coming of the Lord. Many united with him in

               the  work,  and  the  message  of  the  judgment

               was proclaimed in various parts of England.

               In South America, in the midst of barbarism

               and  priest-craft,  Lacunza,  a  Spaniard  and  a

               Jesuit,  found  his  way  to  the  Scriptures  and

               thus  received  the  truth  of  Christ's  speedy

               return.  Impelled  to  give  the  warning,  yet

               desiring to escape the censures of Rome, he

               published his views under the assumed name

               of “Rabbi Ben-Ezra,” representing himself as

               a  converted  Jew.  Lacunza  lived  in  the
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