Page 5 - 12 The French Reformation
P. 5

literature  his  attention  was  directed  to  the

               Bible, and he introduced its study among his


               Lefevre  was  an  enthusiastic  adorer  of  the

               saints,  and  he  had  undertaken  to  prepare  a

               history of the saints and martyrs as given in

               the  legends  of  the  church.  This  was  a  work

               which  involved  great  labor;  but  he  had

               already  made  considerable  progress  in  it,

               when,  thinking  that  he  might  obtain  useful

               assistance from the Bible, he began its study

               with this object. Here indeed he found saints

               brought  to  view,  but  not  such  as  figured  in

               the  Roman  calendar.  A  flood  of  divine  light

               broke  in  upon  his  mind.  In  amazement  and

               disgust  he  turned  away  from  his  self-

               appointed  task  and  devoted  himself  to  the

               word  of  God.  The  precious  truths  which  he

               there discovered he soon began to teach.
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