Page 15 - 08 Luther Before the Diet
P. 15

present;  but  the  voice  of  One  greater  than

               Luther had been heard in that assembly.

               A  committee  was  at  once  appointed  by  the

               Diet to prepare an enumeration of the papal

               oppressions  that  weighed  so  heavily  on  the

               German  people.  This  list,  containing  a

               hundred                 and           one          specifications,                    was

               presented to the emperor, with a request that

               he  would  take  immediate  measures  for  the

               correction  of  these  abuses.  “What  a  loss  of

               Christian  souls,”  said  the  petitioners,  “what

               depredations, what extortions, on account of

               the  scandals  by  which  the  spiritual  head  of

               Christendom is surrounded! It is our duty to

               prevent the ruin and dishonor of our people.

               For  this  reason  we  most  humbly  but  most

               urgently  entreat  you  to  order  a  general

               reformation,                      and            to         undertake                    its

               accomplishment.”—Ibid., b. 7, ch. 4.
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