Page 25 - 08 Luther Before the Diet
P. 25

All the city were eager to see this remarkable

               man, and a throng of visitors soon filled his

               lodgings. Luther had scarcely recovered from

               his  recent  illness;  he  was  wearied  from  the

               journey, which had occupied two full weeks;

               he  must  prepare  to  meet  the  momentous

               events  of  the  morrow,  and  he  needed  quiet

               and repose. But so great was the desire to see

               him  that  he  had  enjoyed  only  a  few  hours’

               rest  when  noblemen,  knights,  priests,  and

               citizens  gathered  eagerly  about  him.  Among

               these  were  many  of  the  nobles  who  had  so

               boldly demanded of the emperor a reform of

               ecclesiastical  abuses  and  who,  says  Luther,

               “had all been freed by my gospel.”—Martyn,

               page 393. Enemies, as well as friends, came to

               look  upon  the  dauntless  monk;  but  he

               received  them  with  unshaken  calmness,

               replying to all with dignity and wisdom. His

               bearing  was  firm  and  courageous.  His  pale,
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