Page 52 - 08 Luther Before the Diet
P. 52
spoken through Luther to the emperor and
princes of Germany. And as the light shone
forth from God's word, His Spirit pleaded for
the last time with many in that assembly. As
Pilate, centuries before, permitted pride and
popularity to close his heart against the
world's Redeemer; as the trembling Felix
bade the messenger of truth, “Go thy way for
this time; when I have a convenient season, I
will call for thee;” as the proud Agrippa
confessed, “Almost thou persuadest me to be
a Christian” (Acts 24:25; 26:28), yet turned
away from the Heaven-sent message—so had
Charles V, yielding to the dictates of worldly
pride and policy, decided to reject the light of
Rumors of the designs against Luther were
widely circulated, causing great excitement
throughout the city. The Reformer had made