Page 36 - 06 The Seven Seals
P. 36
~The Response of History to the Revelation~
Chapter 6 - The Seven Seals
therefore accept the change, even though we
should be unable to explain it. There is a great
fact, however, to which we would here call
attention. It was to be in the period covered by
this seal that the prophetic portions of God’s
word were to be unsealed, and many run to
and fro, or “give their sedulous attention to the
understanding of these things,” and thereby
knowledge on this part of God’s word was to
be greatly increased. And we suggest that it
may be for this reason that the change in the
language here occurs, and that the events of
this seal, transpiring at a time when these
things were to be fully understood, are
couched in no figures, but are laid before us in
plain and unmistakable language.
The Great Earthquake. — The first event
under this seal, perhaps the one which marks