Page 73 - 06 The Seven Seals
P. 73
~The Response of History to the Revelation~
Chapter 6 - The Seven Seals
come just then, and just when there were
vapors to condense? And what caused the
vapors? Then how could currents from the
west and south draw the vapors “in a
northwest direction”? Common philosophy
would assign them, under such circumstances,
a northeasterly direction. Our friend must be
careful, or he will make the dark day to be a
greater phenomenon than we have ever
claimed it to be.
But, further, we would ask how, according to
the reply above given, the words of our Lord
can ever be fulfilled. He says that the sun shall
be darkened; and he means the literal sun, for
he speaks of men and things on the earth in
contrast with it. Luke 21:25. And he says that
when it is thus darkened, it is a sign of the end;
for when we see these things come to pass, he