Page 7 - 16 Preparation for the Plagues
P. 7


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               glorified,  and  reflecting  the  character  of

               Christ, He enters the temple, and this company

               minister there.

               In these closing events two distinct views are

               given  to  John.  Before  the  Saviour  leaves  the

               temple, seven angels are seen standing before

               the  altar.  To  them  are  given  seven  vials

               containing  the  unmingled  wrath  of  God.

               The  elements  of  the  earth  are  under  the

               control of mighty angels, and although Satan,

               “the prince of the power of the air,” has had

               partial control of these mighty forces, yet the

               power  of  God  has  held  them  in  check;  else

               destruction would have come, and man would

               have been destroyed. As Christ rises to leave

               the  temple,  these  seven  commanding  angels

               stand awaiting the command of Jehovah.
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