Page 11 - 03b The Seven Churhces-Smyrna
P. 11


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               a  desperate  struggle  for  existence.  It  is  for

               these  reasons,  that  the  first  message,

               addressed to Ephesus, is applicable to the first

               era of the Christian religion. Into the darkness

               of the worst forms of heathenism, the religion

               and  culture  of  the  Greeks,  backed  by  the

               government of Rome,-Christianity walked as a

               spotless virgin clothed in white. By preaching

               and  by  teaching,  two  methods  which  are

               divinely ordained for the spread of the truth,

               Paul and his fellow laborers raised up a church

               at Ephesus.

               John had known of the work at this place; for

               he,  as  a  pillar  in  the  Jerusalem  church,  was

               acquainted with the progress of the light as it

               spread from that center, and from Patmos his

               heart turned to the believers on the mainland.
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