Page 17 - 03b The Seven Churhces-Smyrna
P. 17
Stephen N. Haskell
“Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
hand” Revelation 22:10.
overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life,
which is in the midst of the paradise of God.”
Adam was overcome by Satan, and thus lost
his right to the tree of life; but to every son of
Adam the message comes, “I give to eat of the
tree of life.” It is the privilege of every child of
God to claim the victory, and to overcome
every attack of the enemy through the
strength given by Christ. To the tree of life, the
faithful are promised access, in
contradistinction to the fruit of the tree of
knowledge of good and evil. The tree of life
was transplanted from the garden of Eden to
heaven, but its boughs hang over the wall for
all who will reach upward for its fruit. As the
experience of the church is applicable to each
denomination, to each organization, and to