Page 11 - 02 The Great Image
P. 11


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                              Chapter 2-The Great Image
                   from  his  mind  that  his  anger  at  their

               duplicity  should  abate,  and  he  would  either

               recall  the  dream  himself,  or  be  unsolicitous

               whether it were made known and interpreted

               or  not.  And  while  we  cannot  justify  the

               extreme  measures  to  which  he  resorted,

               dooming them to death, and their houses to

               destruction, we can but feel a hearty sympathy

               with  him  in  his  condemnation  of  a  class  of

               miserable  impostors.  The  severity  of  his

               sentence  was  probably  attributable  more  to

               the  customs  of  those  times  than  to  any

               malignity on the part of the king. Yet it was a

               bold and desperate step. Consider who these

               were who thus incurred the wrath of the king.

               They were numerous, opulent, and influential

               sects.  Moreover,  they  were  the  learned  and

               cultivated classes of those times; yet the king

               was not so wedded to his false religion as to
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