Page 26 - 02 The Great Image
P. 26
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 2-The Great Image
Here is brought out another of the
commendable traits of Nebuchadnezzar’s
character. Unlike some rulers, who fill up the
present with folly and debauchery without
regard to the future, he thought forward upon
the days to come, with an anxious desire to
know with what events they should be filled.
His object in this was, doubtless, that he might
the better know how to make a wise
improvement of the present. For this reason
God gave him this dream, which we must
regard as a token of the divine favor toward
the king, as there were many other ways in
which the truth involved in this matter could
have been brought out, equally to the honor of
God’s name, and the good of his people both at
that time and through subsequent
generations. Yet God would not work for the
king independently of his own people; hence,