Page 2 - 15 The Bible and the French Revolution
P. 2

Chapter 15—The Bible and the French


               In  the  sixteenth  century  the  Reformation,

               presenting an open  Bible  to  the people, had

               sought  admission  to  all  the  countries  of

               Europe.  Some  nations  welcomed  it  with

               gladness, as a messenger of Heaven. In other

               lands the papacy succeeded to a great extent

               in  preventing  its  entrance;  and  the  light  of

               Bible             knowledge,                    with            its        elevating

               influences,  was  almost  wholly  excluded.  In

               one country, though the light found entrance,

               it  was  not  comprehended  by  the  darkness.

               For  centuries,  truth  and  error  struggled  for

               the  mastery.  At  last  the  evil  triumphed,  and

               the  truth  of  Heaven  was  thrust  out.  “This  is

               the condemnation, that light is come into the

               world,  and  men  loved  darkness  rather  than

               light.” John 3:19. The nation was left to reap
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