Page 34 - 15 The Bible and the French Revolution
P. 34

uphold the  throne, preserve  the nobles,  and

               maintain  the  laws,  that  the  sword  of

               persecution                    was           first          unsheathed                    in

               France.”—Wylie, b. 13, ch. 4.

               Little  did  the  rulers  of  the  land  foresee  the

               results of that fateful policy. The teaching of

               the Bible would have implanted in the minds

               and  hearts  of  the  people  those  principles  of

               justice,  temperance,  truth,  equity,  and

               benevolence which are the very cornerstone

               of  a  nation's  prosperity.  “Righteousness

               exalteth  a  nation.”  Thereby  “the  throne  is

               established.”    Proverbs  14:34;  16:12.  “The

               work  of  righteousness  shall  be  peace;”  and

               the effect, “quietness and assurance forever.”

               Isaiah  32:17.  He  who  obeys  the  divine  law

               will most truly respect and obey the laws of

               his country. He who fears God will honor the

               king in the exercise of all just and legitimate
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