Page 79 - 07 - The Four Beasts
P. 79


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                             Chapter 7 – The Four Beasts
                   To show the relation of the secular power to

               the church, as held by Romanists, we quote the

               answer  of  the  same  writer  to  the  argument

               that the only weapon committed to the church

               is “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word

               of God.” To this he replied: “As the church has

               ecclesiastical and secular princes, who are her

               two arms, so she has two swords, the spiritual

               and  material;  and  therefore  when  her  right

               hand is unable to convert a heretic with the

               sword of the Spirit, she invokes the aid of the

               left  hand,  and  coerces  heretics  with  the

               material sword.” In answer to the argument

               that  the  apostles  never  invoked  the  secular

               arm  against  heretics,  he  says,  “The  apostles

               did  it  not,  because  there  was  no  Christian

               prince  whom  they  could  call  on  for  aid.  But

               afterward, in Constantine’s time, ... the church
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