Page 8 - 07 - The Four Beasts
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~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 7 – The Four Beasts
chapter 2. Daniel was still living under the
same kingdom which he had declared, in his
interpretation of the king’s dream, about
sixty-five years before, to be the head of gold.
The first beast of this vision must therefore
denote the same as the head of gold of the
great image, namely, the kingdom of Babylon,
and the other beasts the succeeding kingdoms
shown by that image. But if this vision covers
essentially the same ground as the image of
chapter 2, the query may arise why it is given;
why was not the vision of chapter 2 sufficient?
We answer, The ground is passed over again
and again that additional characteristics may
be brought out, and additional facts and
features may be presented. It is thus that we
have “line upon line.” Here earthly
governments are viewed as represented in the