Page 10 - 13 The Great Controversy
P. 10


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               upon which the church stands. It is not a stone

               slipping away, a sliding foundation, but a solid

               foundation upon which the living church rests.

               To-day the record of that typical service, emits

               light to the one who will search it. True, it does

               not  have  the  full  blaze  of  sunlight  like  the

               record of the antitypical Offering, but there is

               a  mild  and  gentle  light  emitted  from  it  that

               well repays the searcher after truth.

               Around  the  head  of  the  church  clustered

               twelve stars, representing the twelve apostles,

               who  became  the  fathers  of  the  Christian

               church,  their  names  are  also  on  the  twelve

               foundation stones of the New Jerusalem.

               The followers of Christ are the special objects

               of  care  in  the  courts  of  heaven,  and  there
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