Page 3 - Zeke B-day Card
P. 3

You are to work as I worked.  You are to present

               the truth as it is in Me, that the blood of souls

               will not be upon your garment.  At the same time

               you are to feel entire dependence and trust in

               Me,  for  you  know  you  cannot  do  anything

               without  My  grace  and  power  to  help.    My

               servant Paul may plant, and an Apollos, water,

               but  I  alone  can  give  the  increase  (cf.  1

               Corinthians 3:6).

               My Beloved, in this work, your duty, your safety,

               your  happiness  and  usefulness,  and  your

               salvation  call  upon  you  to  use  the  greatest

               diligence to secure My grace {cf. AG 336}.  Your

               security is found in your weakness being united

               to My strength, your ignorance to My wisdom,

               your frailty to My enduring mighty, your heart

               united with My heart, your will merged with My

               will,  your  mind  one  with  My  mind,  and  your

               thoughts in full captivity to Me.  Therefore, look

               not to yourself.  Abide in Me!  Come unto Me!

               Rest in Me and wait patiently for Me, and you
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