Page 10 - 03 The Seven Churches Continued
P. 10


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                  Chapter 3 – The Seven Churches (continued)
                   men  confessed  or  denied,  despised  or

               honored him here, they would be confessed or

               denied by him before his Father in heaven and

               the  holy  angels.  Matthew  10:32,  33;  Mark

               8:38; Luke 12:8, 9. And who can fathom the

               honor of being approved before the heavenly

               hosts!  Who  can  conceive  the  bliss  of  that

               moment when we shall be owned by the Lord

               of  life  before  his  Father  as  those  who  have

               done his will, fought the good fight,  run the

               race, honored him before men, overcome, and

               whose names are worthy, through his merits,

               of standing upon the imperishable record of

               the book of life forever and ever!

               VERSE  7.  And  to  the  angel  of  the  church  in

               Philadelphia write; These things saith he that

               is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of

               David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth;
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