Page 15 - 20 The Two Suppers
P. 15


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               the everlasting covenant into which the Two

               entered  when  Christ  received  that  name.  It

               was the Word of God which was made flesh,

               and dwelt among us. It is the Word that saves,

               and it is this same Word that destroys. To the

               one who obeys the Word, it is a healing balm

               of  all  the  ills  to  which  human  flesh  is  heir.

               When  disregarded,  it  becomes  the  stone  of

               stumbling,  and  rock  of  offense  over  which

               men fall and die.

               For the first time in all ages, Christ goes from

               heaven  as  a  warrior,  clad  with  helmet  and

               sword; for the first time, He comes to rule with

               a rod of iron. For six thousand years He has

               been  the  gentlest  of  the  gentle.  He  is  the

               shepherd that carries the lambs in his bosom;

               the father who pities his child. “Can a woman
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