Page 5 - 06 Daniel in the Lion's Den
P. 5


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                        Chapter 6 – Daniel in the Lion’s Den
                   excellent  spirit.  Daniel,  who,  for  being  a

               great  man  in  the  empire  of  Babylon,  might

               have been esteemed an enemy by Darius, and

               so have been banished or otherwise put out of

               the way; or, being a captive from a nation then

               in ruins, might have been despised and set at

               naught,  was  not  treated  in  either  of  these

               ways;  but  to  the  credit  of  Darius  be  it  said,

               Daniel  was  preferred  over  all  the  others,

               because  the  discerning  king  saw  in  him  an

               excellent  spirit.  And  the  king  thought  to  set

               him over the whole realm. Then was the envy

               of the other rulers raised against him, and they

               set about to destroy him. But Daniel’s conduct

               was perfect so far as related to the kingdom.

               He was faithful and true. They could find no

               ground  for  complaint  against  him  on  that

               score.  Then  they  said  they  could  find  no

               occasion to accuse him, except as concerning
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