Page 44 - The Story of Jesus2_Neat
P. 44
To those who were hungry and thirsty, He
would bring a cup of cold water, and often
would give them the food intended for His
own meal.
All this displeased His brothers. They
threatened and tried to terrify Him, but He
kept right on, doing as God had said.
Many were the trials and temptations that
Jesus had to meet. Satan was always
watching to overcome Him.
If Jesus could have been led to do one wrong
act, or to speak one impatient word, He could
not have been our Saviour, and the whole
world would have been lost. Satan knew this,
and it was for this reason that he tried so
hard to lead Jesus into sin.
The Saviour was always guarded by heavenly
angels, yet His life was one long struggle
against the powers of darkness. Not one of us