Page 54 - The Story of Jesus2_Neat
P. 54

travel. But Satan knew where the Saviour had

               gone; so he went there to tempt Him.

               As Christ left the Jordan, His face was lighted

               with  the  glory  of  God.  But  after  He  entered

               the wilderness, this glory disappeared.

               The sins of the world were upon Him, and His

               face showed such sorrow and anguish as man

               had never felt. He was suffering for sinners.

               Adam and Eve in Eden had disobeyed God by

               eating  of  the  forbidden  fruit.  Their

               disobedience  had  brought  sin  and  sorrow

               and death into the world.

               Christ came to give an example of obedience.

               In the wilderness, after fasting forty days, He

               would not, even to obtain food, depart from

               the will of His Father.

               One  of  the  temptations  that  overcame  our

               first  parents  was  the  temptation  to  indulge

               appetite. By this long fast Christ was to show

               that appetite can be brought under control.
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