Page 110 - 08 Vision of the Ram, He-Goat and Little Horn
P. 110


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                            Chapter 8 – Vision of the Ram, He-Goat & Little Horn
                   destroy.”  How  full  of  meaning  is  such  a

               description,  and  how  applicable  to  the

               Romans! In taking Jerusalem, they slew eleven

               hundred  thousand  Jews,  and  made  ninety-

               seven thousand captives. So wonderfully did

               they destroy this once mighty and holy people.

               And what they could not accomplish by force,

               they secured by artifice. Their flatteries, fraud,

               and  corruption  were  as  fatal  as  their

               thunderbolts of war. And Rome, finally, in the

               person  of  one  of  its  governors,  stood  up

               against  the  Prince  of  princes,  by  giving

               sentence of death against Jesus Christ. “But he

               shall be broken without hand,” an expression

               which identifies the destruction of this power

               with the smiting of the image of chapter 2.

               VERSE 26. And the vision of the evening and

               the morning which was told is true; wherefore
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