Page 95 - 08 Vision of the Ram, He-Goat and Little Horn
P. 95


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                            Chapter 8 – Vision of the Ram, He-Goat & Little Horn
                   year’s service. In the antitype, the cleansing

               of the sanctuary must be the closing work of

               Christ, our great High Priest, in the tabernacle

               on high. In the type, to cleanse the sanctuary,

               the  high  priest  entered  into  the  most  holy

               place to minister in the presence of God before

               the ark of his testament. In the antitype, when

               the  time  comes  for  the  cleansing  of  the

               sanctuary,  our  High  Priest,  in  like  manner,

               enters into the most holy place to make a final

               end  of  his  intercessory  work  in  behalf  of

               mankind. We confidently affirm that no other

               conclusion  can  be  arrived  at  on  this  subject

               without  doing  despite  to  the  unequivocal

               testimony of God’s word.

               Reader, do you now see the importance of this

               subject?  Do  you  begin  to  perceive  what  an

               object  of  interest  for  all  the  world  is  the
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