Page 15 - 04 THE MOST HIGH RULETH_Neat
P. 15


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “But go thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest and stand in thy
                                   lot at the end of the days.” Daniel 12:13.

               education occupies both in the false kingdoms

               of  which  Babylon  is  a  type,  and  in  the  true,

               which the Hebrews represented. The so-called

               “higher education” of to-day, which exalts the

               science  of  the  world  above  the  science  of

               salvation; which sends forth students bearing

               worldly credentials, but not recognized in the

               books of heaven, students who love display,

               who are filled with pride, selfishness, and self-

               esteem,-this  education  is  a  plant  which  has

               sprung from that broad root which supported

               the  tree  representing  the  Babylonian


               Seeds of truth had been planted in Babylon.

               The  holy  Watcher  sought  constantly  for  the

               growth  of  a  tree  which  would  bring  life.  All

               nations were gathered under the influence of
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