Page 22 - 33 The First Great Deception
P. 22
of sinless angels! A pleasing fable indeed, well
suited to gratify the carnal heart! This is
Satan's own doctrine, and it does his work
effectually. Should we be surprised that, with
such instruction, wickedness abounds?
The course pursued by this one false teacher
illustrates that of many others. A few words
of Scripture are separated from the context,
which would in many cases show their
meaning to be exactly opposite to the
interpretation put upon them; and such
disjointed passages are perverted and used in
proof of doctrines that have no foundation in
the word of God. The testimony cited as
evidence that the drunken Amnon is in
heaven is a mere inference directly
contradicted by the plain and positive
statement of the Scriptures that no drunkard
shall inherit the kingdom of God. 1