Page 46 - 33 The First Great Deception
P. 46

plainly  stated  that  a  specified  time,  then

               future, had been fixed upon for the judgment

               of the world.

               Jude  refers  to  the  same  period:  “The  angels

               which kept not their first estate, but left their

               own  habitation,  He  hath  reserved  in

               everlasting  chains  under  darkness  unto  the

               judgment  of  the  great  day.”  And,  again,  he

               quotes the words of Enoch: “Behold, the Lord

               cometh with ten thousands of His  saints, to

               execute  judgment  upon  all.”  Jude  6,  14,  15.

               John  declares  that  he  “saw  the  dead,  small

               and  great,  stand  before  God;  and  the  books

               were  opened:  ...  and  the  dead  were  judged

               out of those things which were written in the

               books.” Revelation 20:12.

               But if the dead are already enjoying the bliss

               of  heaven  or  writhing  in  the  flames  of  hell,

               what  need  of  a  future  judgment?  The
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