Page 13 - 08 Luther Before the Diet
P. 13
out for them. They shrank from the
perplexity of searching for anything better. It
was easier to trust their salvation to the
priests and the pope than to seek for purity of
But another class received with gladness the
tidings of redemption through Christ. The
observances enjoined by Rome had failed to
bring peace of soul, and in faith they accepted
the Saviour's blood as their propitiation.
These returned to their homes to reveal to
others the precious light which they had
received. The truth was thus carried from
hamlet to hamlet, from town to town, and the
number of pilgrims to the Virgin's shrine
greatly lessened. There was a falling off in the
offerings, and consequently in the salary of
Zwingli, which was drawn from them. But
this caused him only joy as he saw that the