Page 6 - 08 Luther Before the Diet
P. 6

they  endeavored  to  induce  Zwingli  to  enter

               their  convent.  Luther,  while  a  student  at

               school, had buried himself in a convent cell,

               and he would have been lost to the world had

               not  God's  providence  released  him.  Zwingli

               was  not  permitted  to  encounter  the  same

               peril.  Providentially  his  father  received

               information  of  the  designs  of  the  friars.  He

               had no intention of allowing his son to follow

               the idle and worthless life of the monks. He

               saw  that  his  future  usefulness  was  at  stake,

               and  directed  him  to  return  home  without


               The  command  was  obeyed;  but  the  youth

               could not be long content in his native valley,

               and  he  soon  resumed  his  studies,  repairing,

               after a time, to Basel. It was here that Zwingli

               first  heard  the  gospel  of  God's  free  grace.

               Wittembach,  a  teacher  of  the  ancient
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