Page 44 - 00 Introduction
P. 44
insatiable hope of plunder. The soldiers saw
everything around them radiant with gold,
which shone dazzlingly in the wild light of the
flames; they supposed that incalculable
treasures were laid up in the sanctuary. A
soldier, unperceived, thrust a lighted torch
between the hinges of the door: the whole
building was in flames in an instant. The
blinding smoke and fire forced the officers to
retreat, and the noble edifice was left to its
“It was an appalling spectacle to the Roman—
what was it to the Jew? The whole summit of
the hill which commanded the city, blazed like
a volcano. One after another the buildings fell
in, with a tremendous crash, and were
swallowed up in the fiery abyss. The roofs of
cedar were like sheets of flame; the gilded
pinnacles shone like spikes of red light; the