Page 14 - 11 Protest of the Princes
P. 14
position marked them for future criticism,
condemnation, and persecution. Said one of
the delegates: “We must either deny the word
of God, or—be burnt.”—Ibid., b. 13, ch. 5.
King Ferdinand, the emperor's
representative at the Diet, saw that the
decree would cause serious divisions unless
the princes could be induced to accept and
sustain it. He therefore tried the art of
persuasion, well knowing that to employ
force with such men would only render them
the more determined. He “begged the princes
to accept the decree, assuring them that the
emperor would be exceedingly pleased with
them.” But these faithful men acknowledged
an authority above that of earthly rulers, and
they answered calmly: “We will obey the
emperor in everything that may contribute to